我已閱讀並同意以下聲明 I have read and agreed to the following disclaimers:
網上診症聲明 HKBUCM Online Consultation Statement
參加者資格 Eligibility of Participants:
- 曾經確診新冠肺炎,目前已經轉陰,並出現長新冠症狀的患者及; Previously diagnosed with COVID-19, obtained COVID-19 negative results and have the Long COVID symptoms, and;
- 曾確診新冠肺炎並入院接受治療; Previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and have been admitted to hospital for treatment; 或 or
- 曾確診新冠肺炎之65歲或以上患者。 Patients who are 65 years old or above and previously diagnosed with COVID-19.
Booking Confirmation
Your booking is completed successfully
參考編號 Reference number:
You will receive a Email to confirm the booking date with a reference number.
註:如因事未能應診,請按「更改時間」,選擇其他合適日子。 Notes: Please choose “Update Time” if patients are not available for the reserved appointments.